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Acton Memorial Library will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, for Presidents' Day. The library will reopen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18.

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As a service to Acton residents, staff at the Acton Memorial Library offers exam proctoring services during normal library hours. Due to the location of the staff desk, we cannot provide proctoring at Citizens’ Library. The Reference Department staff is responsible for proctoring exams. Proctoring will be offered based on availability of personnel.

Before the exam

  • To make a proctoring appointment, email the Information Services desk at at least one week in advance. Call (978-929-6655) or email the day before the exam to make sure that the exam has arrived.
  • Exams and instructions must be received directly from the testing institution at least 48 hours before the scheduled exam. The student is responsible for having instructions and passwords sent to the Library at and to confirm that they have arrived at the Library.
  • Online/computer exams can be proctored, but software cannot be downloaded to any library computer.

Taking the exam

  • The student should arrive ten minutes before the agreed-upon time with any items required for taking the exam, such as pens, pencils, or a calculator.
  • On the day of the exam, the student must show a current photo ID.
  • Exams will be administered during regular operating hours and must be completed thirty minutes before the library’s closing time.
  • The proctor will enforce time limits placed on the exam and any other requirements that are set forth in the examination materials.
  • The librarian who is proctoring the exam will read and follow the proctor instructions on the test and seat the student in sight of the reference desk and in view of a clock. Students are responsible for following the test instructions and keeping track of their time during a proctored exam.
  • The proctor may check on the student periodically during an exam but will not monitor continuously.
  • Cell phone use or visiting with others is not allowed during the exam.
  • The student or the testing institution is responsible for providing packaging and postage to return the exam to the testing institution, along with any other costs associated with the exam.
  • Neither the Library nor library staff is responsible for the completed exam once it has been mailed back to the educational institution.

General limitations

  • We reserve the right to deny proctoring services if we are unable to meet an institution’s required standards and procedures.
  • We can only proctor exams that do not exceed 3 ½ hours.
  • Due to other simultaneous duties, the proctoring librarian cannot enforce restrictions regarding personal belongings, including cell phones, laptops, and textbooks.
  • The Library cannot commit to proctoring an entire course of study or single exams that require multiple sittings. Requests for exams in series will be treated as separate requests. Because of legal and ethical considerations, librarians will not sign a proctoring statement that attests to any supervision other than that described in this policy.
  • If these guidelines do not meet your needs, other public or academic libraries in the Greater Boston area may offer the assistance you require.

There is no fee for this service.

Approved by the Board of Trustees this 26th day of September 2024