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The Meeting Room and Conference Room are available for use by community groups, nonprofit organizations, and Town Boards and Committees. All meetings held in the Meeting and Conference Rooms are subject to the Acton Memorial Library Facilities Use Policy.

Reservation requests can be made by using the links above. Please note: Reservations are not a guarantee of booking the room. All groups requesting a reservation must have an approved Preliminary Application Form on file. Please submit a Preliminary Application Form before you submit your first request. Any reservation made without first submitting the application will not be honored until said application has been received and approved.

The Meeting Room (max. capacity 70) is located on the lower level of the library and is equipped with a built-in Zoom TV and bar, DVD player, and assistive listening system.

The Conference Room (max. capacity 15) is located on the upper level and is equipped with a built-in Zoom TV and bar.

For more information, or to book a meeting room, call 978-929-6655, option 5. Completed forms may be faxed to 978-929-6344.

Study Rooms

Acton Memorial Library has study rooms available for small group work or other tasks which may not be easily accomplished in other areas of the library.

Study Rooms may be reserved up to one week in advance by using the booking feature below or by calling the Reference Desk at 978-929-6657.

Please CLICK HERE for the library’s Study Room Policy.