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Acton Memorial Library will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, for Presidents' Day. The library will reopen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18.

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Shadows and Reflections: Paintings by Sol Hartman


Paintings by Sol Hartman will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of January and February 2024.

The artist says of his work:

Most of my works focus on how shadows and reflections affect the objects around them and how the light source affects the shadows and reflections.  Reflections are more than the mirror of an object. They give life, movement and emotion to an otherwise dead structure. Reflections have carried through to my figurative paintings as well in the sense of inviting the viewer to contemplate the unseen stories. Similarly, shadows, to many, are silent, but they speak to me. 

Shadows and reflections  are an essential part of the landscape that I see.  Although they are not solid, they define solid objects by giving them volume and weight and create relationships between objects.  They make the buildings that I paint more vibrant and warm.  The light source also affects shadows and reflections.  Light values caused by the sun are warm colors but their shadows are very cool.  The buildings engulfed in shadows and reflected in glass give them a mystery and strength.  They ask the viewer to look harder and to supply the parts that cannot be seen.

A Massachusetts resident, Sol Hartman received his B.A. from Colby College. His work has been featured in exhibitions across eastern Massachusetts, most recently at Boston City Hall, the Copley Society of Art in Boston, the Culture Center of Cape Cod in Yarmouth, and the Stove Factory Gallery in Charlestown. Sol is a member of the Copley Society of Art.

All are welcome to an artist reception on Sunday, January 14, at 1:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room.

For more information on Sol Hartman’s art, visit:

Exhibitions are free and handicapped accessible. Exhibitions in the library Meeting Room are available for viewing whenever the library is open and the room is not in use for a meeting. Please check the library Program Calendar for availability.

At the beginning of each year, the Arts Committee of the Acton Memorial Library invites Massachusetts artists to submit work for consideration for upcoming exhibitions in the Meeting Room Gallery. More information is available on the library’s Artists Exhibition Opportunity page.