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AML Stuffie Sleepover 2024

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Stuffie Sleepover! Check out the photo gallery below to see all the fun they had during their sleepover. They went to storytime, watched a movie, and even went on an adventure through the book shelves!...

Love to Read? Join a Book Group!

The AML Book Group meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. All are welcome. Copies of the books will be available at the Circulation Desk.  The forthcoming list of titles to be discussed can be found here. Please check the Program Calendar to...

Shadows and Reflections: Paintings by Sol Hartman

Paintings by Sol Hartman will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of January and February 2024. The artist says of his work: Most of my works focus on how shadows and reflections affect the objects around them and how...

Practice Reading Aloud to Animals

We’re delighted to share that our beloved “Read to Animals” program is in full swing and continues to be a heartwarming success. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to connect with our furry and hoofed friends while nurturing the love for reading in...