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Soulscapes: Paintings by Sirarpi Heghinian-Walzer

Paintings by Sirarpi Heghinian-Walzer will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of November and December 2024. The artist says of her work: My poetic abstractions spring from meditations on nature and from memories that are distilled into single...

Picture the Story: Children’s Book Illustrations by Four Local Artists

The art of local picture book illustrators Priscilla Alpaugh, Chris Beatrice, Sarah Brannen, and Ioana Hobai will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of September and October 2024. The artists in this exhibit are all part of the...

At Water’s Edge: Photography by Andrew Child

Photography by Andrew Child will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of July and August 2024. Panoramic photographer Andrew Child shares images taken near, at, and occasionally beneath the water’s edge. His work invites the viewer to embrace...

Old Library Catalog Access Ending Soon

On July 1, Minuteman will be retiring access to the old library catalog and account pages. You will still be able to search for items owned by all Minuteman libraries and access your library account through the new catalog, which launched last fall. Here...

The Day After Yesterday: Portraits of Dementia by Joe Wallace

Photography by Joe Wallace will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of May and June 2024. The artist says of his work: The typical narrative about dementia tends to focus on the clinical diagnosis or medical status of...

Download the MLN Mobile App

Carry the library in your pocket!  The Minuteman Library Network has a mobile app that allows library users to access the library from a mobile device. Use the app to search the Minuteman Catalog, place and manage holds, and renew items you have checked out. The app...

Love to Read? Join a Book Group!

The AML Book Group meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. All are welcome. Copies of the books will be available at the Circulation Desk.  The forthcoming list of titles to be discussed can be found here. Please check the Program Calendar to...

Layers: Monotypes by Kay Hartung

Monotypes by Kay Hartung will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of March and April 2024. Kay Hartung has been reconnecting with her roots in fibers and textiles, expanding on her love of pattern and embracing spontaneous methods,...

Shadows and Reflections: Paintings by Sol Hartman

Paintings by Sol Hartman will be on exhibit in the library’s Meeting Room Gallery during the months of January and February 2024. The artist says of his work: Most of my works focus on how shadows and reflections affect the objects around them and how...

Help Us Improve Acton Libraries!

Acton Libraries are developing a strategic plan for the next five years and would love your help! The new strategic plan will cover both the Acton Memorial Library and the West Acton Citizens’ Library. We want to ensure we’re offering what the community wants,...