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Acton Memorial Library will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, for Presidents' Day. The library will reopen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18.

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Science Database (ProQuest)

E-Resource | Database

7.3 million full text articles from over 1,600 sources. In full-text format, researchers have access to all the charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements so vital to scientific and engineering literature. It supports the needs of students studying applied and general...

Physical Review Journals

E-Resource | Database

Published by the American Physical Society.

Gale Interactive: Science

E-Resource | Database

Science comes to life as you zoom, rotate, and explore interactive 3D models. View related reference content and search Gale content to find more information.

Gale in Context: Science

E-Resource | Database

Provides topic overviews, experiments, biographies, pictures and illustrations, as well as articles from over 200 magazines and academic journals and links to quality websites.

Gale in Context: Environmental Studies

E-Resource | Database

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues and includes sources such as topic summaries, scholarly articles, statistics, conference proceedings, news and magazine articles, podcasts, videos, industry reports, and consumer data.