The Civil War Letters of Aaron Jones Fletcher


Civil War records of John N. Haynes

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Letter dated November 8, 1863 from John N. Haynes, Co. E., 26th Mass. Inf., Vermillion Bayou, La., to Aaron Jones Fletcher

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             Vermillion Bayou La Nov 8th 1863

Friend Aaron
When I wrote you last we
were some where in near New Iberia & now we are
only 20 miles from their  we have been up
as far as Opelousas but why we did not
go any further I do not know but one thing
I do know and that is that we are some
25 miles from their now.  we came down
from their on the 1st  of Nov. we were
payed on the 31st of Oct about 12 o clock at
night for two months so I am agoin to
send some down to you to pay for sending
that Box  I do not know how much it
will be but I will send $2.00 & if that is
not enough I will send the rest some other
time  I shall send this letter by the first
chance which may not be for one
month  their has no letters come for you
to the camp but their has some for Dascernie
I do not know whether they have been sent
or not. we are all well I have not
been sick a day since we started we are
living first rate most of the tim[e] fresh Beef every
day it would make you laugh to see some


of the messes we get up  we take hard Bread and
grind them up and make corn Dodgers of them
as the boys call them! the rear Guard had
a fight with the Rebs as they were coming
down from Opelousas the other day
we lost some 40 killed & wounded but
the Rebels got the worst of it.  we have to go
on Pickett every 4th night  that is about
all the Guard duty we have to do. that
bottle of old Rye you sent me came very
handy it lasted me about two weeks
I do not know which way we shall go when
we start again but I hope not back toward
New Orleans. I am giting fat and rugged out here
how does the old 4th story get along. does
their any Ghosts appear therin or does
the Roof leak now Reed said he cheated
you out of his house Rent.  I call that rather
mean when he had every thing so handy
all the matter brought into the House
well I think I have writen about enough of
this stuff & will dry up without making any
more time give my best respects to
Jim,  all this from Friend Jack