Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 027

1739 November 13 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for November 22 Town meeting
1739 November 22 Town meeting
1739/40 February 29 Town accounts

1739   27
Acton November ye 13th 1739
Then the Select men met and Appinted a town meeting to be at the meeting House in Said ^town on Thursday ye 22nd of November current at teen of the Clock in ye fore Noon to Conclude on the Art-icles herafter mentioned viz first to Chuse a Constable in the steed of Jonathan Knight 2 to Chuse officers to Inspect the Deer 3 to hear ye Request of a number of Littleton peti [petitioners] 4 to se if ye town will Reconsider a vote that passed on the twenty third of may Last Concerning ye pews or Pews Grounds 5 to se if ye town will alow mr Samuel Prescott & Amos Prescott to Draw but one Pew on both Their Estates Whare as they might Draw two According to vote 6 to se if ye town will [allow] mr John Davis to Draw a Pew notwithstanding ye vote passed at ye Last mee-ting 7 to se if ye town will Chuse a Committee to Adjust Accounts with ye former Treasurer mr John Barker: 8 to se if ye town will Chuse or Impower men to prosecute such persons as Refuse to pay their Province texes [taxes] Essessed on them also Liberty to Draw out of ye towns money to Carry on Said affaire if need be 9 to hear ye Report of the Committee that Was Chosen to se who should Draw ye Pewes and also Pass or Confirm any other vote that may be thought proper when met Relating to that affare
Acton November ye 22nd 1739
At a Ginerel town meeting being Legally warned as Appered by ye Return of ye Constables warrant at the mee ting House in Said town met & made choice of mr Gershom Davis moderator for Said meeting & proseed-ed as folloeth viz first Choose mr Hezekiah Wheeler Constable in ye Room [stead] of Jonathan Knight 2 Choose mr Jonathan Wheeler & mr James Jones to Inspect ye Deer 3 propounded whether ye town will Receive Littleton Petitioners voted in ye affirmative 4 Propounded whe- ther ye town will Reconsider their vote Relating ye Pewes or Pewe Grounds & it passed in ye Negative 5 article was dismist 6 the sixth article was Read & disputed and ye night Drew on & ye meeting was Adjorned to ye 3rd of December Next at ye meeting House in said town at one of ye Clock in ye after noon
Feubyary ye 29th: 1739/40 to an order to Enoch Cleveland for one pound & sixteen shillings in full for Keeping ye Widdo Sheperd to this day to mr Prockter 1-16-0
carry this to pg 28

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