Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 028

December 3, 1739 Town meeting: continuation of November 22 meeting
January 31, 1739/40 Town accounts
February 1, 1739/40 Town accounts
January 5, 1739/40 Town accounts
February 28, 1739/40 Town accounts

1739/40                 28
December the third 1739 at a Ginereil meeting of ye town at ye meeting House assembled By adjorn ment from November ye 22nd to ye third of this Instent the moderator Proseded & ye 6 article was propounded whether Mr John Davis should have liberty to build a Pewe in ye meeting House & it was voted in ye Negative 7 it was propounded Whether ye town will Chuse a Commetee to Ajust acounts with former trea surer Mr Barker & Choose Jonathan Horsmar & Simon Hunt 8 Article propounded and Past in ye Negative 9 the Commette made Return Who Should Draw ye Pewes & was propounded for Exceptence & sum Dissent arose about ye vote & ye moderator ordered a Pool & Sum objections was made aboute about ye Qually cation [qualification] of sum of ye voters & ye meeting was purged as the Law Directs & ye vote then passed in ye Affermative the Names of those that was Returned to Draw ye Pewes Mr John Barker Mr Gershorn Davies Capt John Heald Jonathan Wheeler Samell Prescott Amos Prescott Ammirnhamak Falkner Joseph Fletcher John Brooks Simon Hunt David Furbush Thomas Law Daniel Sheperd & then the meeting was Dismist ----------------

January ye last: 1739/40 To an order to Mr John Brooks for two pounds ten shillings Due for Gathering ye Town money out of ye town Rate }2-10-0
February ye 1st 1739/40 to an order to Amos Prescott for two pounds out of ye town Rate Due for Keeping Mr Swifts house in ye time of his probation }2-0-0
At ye time an order to Jonathan Parlin for two pounds & teen shillings out of ye town Rate for his Gather ye tax Rate }2-10-0
January ye 5th 1739/40
To an order to myself for two pounds & seven shillings Due for time & money Expended & for makeing Rates in ye year 1738 town Rate out of ye
February ye 28: 1739/40
to an order to Cap John Heald for his servis in ye year 1739 in Runing Lines & taking voice in too mr Hezk [Hezekiah] Wheeler Conll [constable?]
Feb ye 28: 1739/40 to an order to Den [Deacon?] Joseph Fletcher for one pound & six shillings out of Hezekiah Wheelers town Rate for his servis in Running Lines and for making Rates in ye yr 1739 }1-6-0
also teen shillings out of Thomas Wheeler’s five pounds }0-10-0
  look in pg 27

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