Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 015

1737 April 12 Town meeting (continued from previous page)
1737 May 18 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for May 20 Town meeting
1737 May 20 Town meeting
1737 May 23 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for May 30 Town meeting (continued on next page)

1737 15
8 Propounded wether ye town woold agree on a Day for thare annuel Town meeting in ye month of March: voted that they Woold Have it on ye first Monday of March for time to come
9 Propounded what ye town woold allow their Constables a year for ye three years next coming; voted that they will alow Them five Pounds a year for thair Extronary troble for Gathering ye Tax money ___
10 Propounded whether ye Town would alter a way throw [through] William Connant’s Land from an open to a bridle way Voted that they would: Said Connant at ye same time Being Present Promised that he woold through ofe [thow off?] one Rod ^ wide of his Land for ye Privelige at ye End of [illegible]
11 Propounded whether ye town woold underpin their meeting House by working Eatch man a Day Voted in ye affirmitive + Said day for Said work to be on ye Last Wednesday But one in May Next Following ____
12 Propounded whether ye town would hire a Pound of Danniel Sheperd for ye sum of ten shillings or build one Voted that they will Hire the Pound for one year for 10 shillings
13 Propounded whether ye town will alow ye selectmen of acton to have no power to Draw any money out of ye treasury for victuels or Drink voted thay should not - -

Acton May ye 18: 1737
Then ye Selectmen of Acton met & agreed on a Town meeting to Be on Friday ye Twentieth Day of may Current ye warrants was Given to ye Constables [hands?] to warn sd meeing ye article [illegible] In sd warrants was [first?] to see if ye town will Elect & Depose one of ye freeholders Qualified to serve for & Represent ye town of acton at ye Grait Ginaril Courte - -
Acton May ye 20 1737
At a Ginaril town meeting being Legally warned as aperd by ye R[eturns] of ye Constables warrants ye ^town was assembled and ye meeting [illegible] & It was Propounded whether ye town woold chuse [illegible] one to Represent them at the Grait & Ginaril Corte: Voted that they will Not Send & Return was made accordingly
Acton May ye 23rd / 1737
Then ye Selectmen apinted a meeting of ye town to be on Monday the thirtieth day of may at ye meetinghouse in Sd Town & on several articles following viz
1 To see if ye town will portiche [purchase] a peice of Land of Nathan Robbin For a buring [burying] Place
2 to se what money ye Town will Raise to Defray town Charges for this Present year

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