Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 106

1753 February 15 Selectmen's meeting

  February the 15: 1753
Then the Select men met and appointed a town meeting To be at the meeting House on the first Monday of March at one of the Clock in the afternoon to Conclude on the following articles (viz)
1 To Choose Town officers for the year Ensuing
2 To See if the town will Cast Lydia Russel on those that Brought her into town and Likewise pass any vote Relating to Said Lydia Russel that may be Thought proper when met
3 To See if the Town will Discontinue the Bridle way Through mr John Barker Juns Land according to the Desire of a Considerable Number of persons and also to see if the Town will accept of an open way Through the Land of Said Barker according to the marks Last made by the Select men of Said acton
4 To See if the Town will accept of a High way Laid out to accomodate John and Robert Chaffin to meeting according to the Return of Said way at the meeting
5 To See if the Town will Discontinue the Bridle way Laid out to accomodate Hugh Foster and also to See if the Town will accept of a Bridle way to accomodate Said Foster from his Land Through the Land of mr Nathan Robbins South across the Brook and then through Lieut Hunts paster [pasture] according to the Return of Said way
6 To See if the Town will Grant to Ephraim Hosmer and others the vacant part of the front Gallary in the meeting House together with the first Seat of the Same to Build a pew or pews according to their petitions
7 To See if the Town will accept of an open way from Littleton Line to the Road that Leads from Cotton Procters according to the Return of Said
8 To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this present year and the Same was Committed to the Constables


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