Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 172

1762 March 22 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for March 31 Town meeting
1762 April 27 Town accounts
1762 May 18 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for May 18 Town meeting

  March ye 22: 1762
Then the Select men met and apointed a town meeting to be at the Meeting House on Wednesday the thirty first Day of March Instant at two of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles
1 To See if the Town will Chuse a Committe to go to the Grate and General Court on the Second Wednesday of the Next Sitting of Said Court to give Reasons why the Said Grate and and General Court Should not Sit [set] of off any Part of Said acton or Pass any other Vote that May be thought Proper When Met Relating to that affair
2 To Se if the Town will abate the Rates of mr Cheng Tenny for the year Past by Reason of his Being Rated at Littleton the Same year or Pass any other vote that May be thought Proper when met Relating to that affair
3 To Se if the Town will agree to Chuse a Surveyor of high ways in the Room [place] of mr John Emery and the Same was Commited to the Constables

April ye 27th 1762 To an order to mr John Cragin for two pounds it Being for his Service in Keeping School 2=0=0

  Acton May ye 18th 1762 Then the Select men Meet and appointed a Town Meeting to be at the meeting House on Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of this Instant May at two of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles
1 To See if the Town will Chuse a Representative
2 To See How Much money the Town will Raise to Defrey the Necessary Charges that have or may arise this Present year Within the Same

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