Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 168

1762 February 2 Selectmen's meeting (continued from previous page)
1762 March 1 Town meeting

3 To See if the Town will Discontinue the High way against mr Simon Tuttles Barn from a white oak Stump in the wall about Twenty Rods to a heap of Stones against the house and also to See if the Town will accept of a High way from Said white oak Stump to the afore said heap of Stones as the two walls now Stands
4 To See if the Town will Discontinue the High way from a Small walnut tree in the Corner of mr Samuel Whites wall to the Corner of mr Daniel Locks wall and also to accept of a High way Laid out by the Select men according to the Returns of Said way at the meeting
5 To See if the Town will accept of a High way Laid out by the Select men to accomodate mr David Lamson to Meeting according to the Returns of Said way at the Meeting
6 To See if the Town will agree to work at the Highways by a Rate this Present year and also to See How much money the Town will Raise for Said High ways and pass any other vote that may be thought proper when met Relating to that affair
7 To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this Present year and the Same was Commited to the Constables

March ye 1st: 1762
At a General Town Meeting at the Meeting House it being Legally warned as it appeared by the Return of the Constables on thire Warrants and proceeded as follows Deacon John Heald was Chosen Moderator for Said Meeting and Francis Faulkner Chosen Town Clerk and first Select man and mr Simon Hunt was Chosen Constable for the Southwest part of the town and mr Nehemiah Wheeler was Chosen Constable for the Northest Part of the town and mr John Heald Jun was Chosen Second Select man and mr Ephraim Hosmer was Chosen third Select man and the Select men was Chosen Assessors

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