Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 140

1758 February 20

Selectmen's meeting: warrant for March 6 Town meeting

February ye 20: 1758
Then the Select men met and appointed a Town meeting to be at the meeting House on monday the Sixth Day of march at one of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz)

1 To Chuse Town officers for the year Ensuing
2 To See if town will accept of a Bit of way Laid out to accomodate Jonathan Hosmer and Ephraim Hosmer Through Land of mr William Cuttings as may further appear at Said meeting by the Return of Said way
3 To See if the town will accept of a Bridle way Laid out by the Select men to accomodate mr Nathan Wheeler and mr James Faulkner Through Land of mr Nathan Wheeler and Land of Leiut Hunt and Land of mr Cuttings and through Small Bit of Jonathan Hosmers Land as may further appear by the Return of Said way at the meeting
4 To See if the Town will agree to Chuse a Committe to adjust accounts with the Town Treasurer and to bring in their amounts at may meeting
5 To See if the Town will agree that the town Treasurer Shall give a Discharge to Josiah Piper and the Heirs of assigns of Lieut Ebenezer Davies decd [deceased] for the High way Rates which Josiah Piper and Lieut Ebenezer Davies had Committed to them to gather in the year 1752 when they was Constables
6 To See what the Town will allow mr Herzekiah Wheeler for an open way that was Granted through his Land in the year 1756
7 To See if the Town will dispose of a Small bit of Land to mr Josiah Piper Lying in the meet ing House Lotts to the west of the Road that Leads from Said pipers to Concord and any vote they may think proper when met Relating to that affair

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