Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 064

1746/7 February 18 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for March 2 Town meeting
1746/7 March 2 Town meeting (continued on next page)


February ye 18: 1746/7
Then the Selectmen met and appointed a Town meeting to be on the first monday of march at ten of the Clock in the forenoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz)
1 To Chuse Town officers for the year Ensuing
2 To see if the Town will discontinue a part of the Road Commonly Called Hunts Road Begining where Wheelers Road Comes in So to the meeting House and see if the Town will except of a way Laid out from Said Wheelers way through a Second Devision Lot then Through the Revd Mr John Swifts Land By Mr Swifts House so straight to the meeting House as Shall be made to appear by the Return of Said way at the meeting
3 To see if the Town will Except of a way Laid out by the Select men to accomodate Mr Jonas Allen and Mr Cotton Procter as Shall be made to appear by the Return of said way at the meeting
4 To see if the Town will Except of away for Mr George Robbins to meeting as shall be made to appear by the Return of said way at the meeting
5 To see if the Town will Give Mr Joseph Barns Liberty to hang Two Gates across the way that Comes by his House the summer Ensuing
6 To see if the Town will Hear and Grant the Request that Mr Josiah Piper shall make at Said meeting
7 To see if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this present year and the Same was Commited to the Constables

March ye 2: 1746/7
at a General Town meeting at the meeting House in Said Town it Being Legally warned as appeared by the Returns of the Constables on the warrants and the first article to Chuse Town officers Mr John Brooks was Chosen moderator for said meeting and Jonathan Hosmer was Chosen Town Clerk and Selectman and Mr Benjamin Lamson was Chosen Constables for the East part of the Town and Mr Nathll Wheeler was Chosen the Second Constable and Mr Samuel Davis was Chosen the Second Select man and Mr Phinehas Osgood was Chosen the third Select man and Mr David Brooks and Mr Jonathan Billing was Chosen Tything men and Mr Jonathan Billing was Chosen Town Treasurer and Mr William Conant Mr Daniel Fletcher Mr Timothy Brooks Mr William Cutting and Mr David Procter and Mr Joseph Barker was Chosen Surveyors of High ways

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