Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 047

1743/4 February 18 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for March 5 Town meeting
1743/4 March 5 Town meeting (continued on next page)

1743/4                47
February the Eighteenth 1743/4 Then the Select men met & apointed a Town meeting to be at the meeting House on the first monday of march at ten of the Clock in the forenoon then and there to Consider and Conclude on the Articles herafter mentioned viz first to Chuse Town offisers for the year Ensuing 2 To see if the Town will Except of a Bit of way Laid out by the Select men from the meetng House Rode near Andrew Darbys to Concord Line as will appear by the return of Said way at the meeting 3 to see if the town will Discontinue a part of that way that was formerly Laid out from Timothy Farrers over the grait Brook Towards the meeting House & Except of the way as Lately Lid out from Near Said Farrers Barn where the way now goes over the Bridge as will further Appear at said meeting 4 to see if the Town will Agree to Build a Bridge over the Great Brook near Nathan Robbinses or otherwayes euse [use] Hugh Foster as will further be made appear at the meeting 5 to see if the Town will Hear and grant the Request of Josiah Piper and Daniel
6 to see if the Town will agree to Repair their ways by a Rate and allso what money they will Raise for that purpose or agree to pass any other vote relateing to that affare
7 to see if the Town will agree to Let the swine Run at Large the year Ensueing 8 to see if the town will Bye the pound of Nathan Robbins the same was Commited to the Constables

March ye 5th 1743/4
At a General Town meeting at the meeting House it being Legally warned as appeared by the Return of the Constables on the warrants Mr John Brooks was Chosen moderator for said meeting and proceeded as follows (viz) Jonathan Hosmer was Chosen Town Clerk and Select man and Titus Law and Samuel Farr was Chosen Constables John Brooks Andrew Darby was Chosen Select men and the Select men was Chosen assessers Jonathan Billing Town Treasurer Daniel Fletcher and Timothy Farr was Chosen to Inspect the Deer David Forbush / John Davis / Nathaniel Wheeler / Jonathan Parlin / Daniel Sheperd was Chosen Surveyors of Highways Mr John Barker Sealer of waits and measures David Brooks and Benjamin Lam for fence veiwers Ezekiel Davis Phinehes Asgood Mark White for Hog Reeves
2 propounded whether the Town would Except of a Bit of way Laid out from near Andrew Darbys to Concord Line voted on affirmative
3 propounded to see if the Town will Discontinue a part of the way Leading from Near Timothy Farrars Barns Towards the meeting House voted on the affirmative then it was propounded whether the Town would Except of a bit of way Leading from Timothy Farrars Barn towards the meet- ing House and voted on the affirmative
4 it was propound to Se if the Town will Dismiss the fourth article voted on the affermative

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