Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 046

1743 December 2 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for December 9 Town meeting
1743 December 9 Town meeting: vote to support a school

1743/4             46
December ye 2 1743 then the Select men met& Apinted a town meeting to be at the meeting house on Friday ye Ninth Day of December Currant to Con- sider & Conclude on the articles herafter mentioned viz to se if the town will agree to have a Reeding & Righting Scool: and allso If they should agree to have one: to se what money the Town will Rais to Support It; and allso what method the Town will take that Each part of the town may have the previlige & Benefit of the Same or otherwise agree to pass any other vote tha may be thought proper when met Relaiteing to that affare the same was commited to the Constables

December ye 9th 1743
at a Gineril Town meeting at the meeting House it being Legally warned as appeered By the Return of the Constables on the warrants Capt Garshom Davis was Choosen moderator for said meeting & it was propounded Whether ye the town will agree to have a Reeding& Righting Scool voted in the affermative allso propounded what money the town will Raise to Support the Same voted thay will Raise Eighteen pounds ould tenor: also prop- ounded whether the town will Chuse a Commett to Divide the town into three parts & Each part have Its Equel perportion according to there pay voted in the affermitive & propounded whether the assessors/viz/ Samell Davis John Cragin and Samuell Jones be a Commette for the affare voted in the affermitive and then the meeting was Dismist
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