Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 008

1735/6 February 3 Laying out of road ways (continued from previous page)
1735/6 February 10 Laying out of road ways
1735/6 February 9 Laying out of road ways (continued on next page)

In Lt John Healds Land then over ye Caseway to Goowell[?] hole so on ye way as is now used till it cumith to Sd Healds Barn and so Leaving ye barn and yard to ye north so Runs South of Sd Healds house to a Rock East of ye house then to a black oak Sd way by ye barn to be but two Rods wide then to a Pine stump so strat across Groton Road then over ye Road and Through Land of Daviddon Colborn to Land of David Rosstead to a Pine tree marked then to a pine then to a heap of stones being Sd Procters bound mark then Sd Road bounds on ye widdow Rusels orchard fence to ye house of Sd Rusel ye bounds of Sd way are on ye west and Northardly side of Sd way from Stow Road to ye old way west of Lane is but two Rods wide and from Sd old way to ye meetinghouse Place is three Rods wide and so from ye meeting house afor Sd to Groton Rode to Continue three Rods wide except against Lt John Healds Barn three Rods wide and from Groton Road to ye widow Rusels house to be but two Rods wide
  ye selectmen that laid out Sd
way was    
  Joseph Fletcher  
  John Heald  
  Thomas Wheeler  

Acton February ye 10th 1735/6
Then ye Selectmen Laid out a way from Thomas Farrs Land as followeth viz beginning at a white oak tree att ye west Corner of Sd Farrs fence Sd tree to be on ye Este side of the way so through a Little Piece of Land of John Davises to a white oak tree marked in ye Line between Doctor Cumings’s Land and Land of Sd Davis then in Doctor Cumings’s Land then in Sd Davises Land strate to Samell Haywards Corner then ye way to go all in Sd Hayward’s Land to a black oak tree marked then turning Estwardly to a Swamp oak tree marked in John Davises Land then to a Poplar marked then to a black oak tree marked Near ye Line between Sd Davis and Hezekiah Wheeler then to a pine tree marked in ye Wheeler’s Land then to a Rock in ye brook so to a Pine marked in Sd Wheeler’s Land then to ye Casaway on Joseph Wheeler’s Land and turning Estwardly over ye Casaway to a stomp and stones about it then to a white oak marked then to a Rock then as ye old way goeth untill it meets with ye way that Cometh from Simon Hunts ye way to be from Farrs over ye Casaway aforto Sd to be but two Rods wide then a three Rod way to ye End

  Acton February ye 9th 1735/6
Then Laied out a way from Mr John Barkers Land to Littleton Road th[ree] Rods Wide as ^is shewen by marks made by ye Selectmen of Concord

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