Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 002

1735 July 21 Town Meeting (continued from previous page)
1735 October 4 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for October 13 Town meeting
1735 October 13 Town Meeting
1735 November 3 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for November 10 Town meeting (continues on next page)

They made Choyce of Jonathon Wheeler and Amos Prescut Constables. Mr John Barker Town Treasurer/ Surveyors of Highways Jonathon Parlon John Cragon and Samell Hayward Each of which was sworn | surveyor of hemp and flex for that year Simon Hunt | tything man John Brooks fence viewers and droveors [drivers] Davis Procter and Jonathan Hosmer | hog reeves Jonathon Biling Daniell Shaperd and Joseph Wheeler Each was sworn as the Law directs.
1735 Acton October 1735
The Selectmen of the Town of Acton met in October The forth day ^1735 and agreed on a town meeting and the articles following viz
1 To se if the town will agree to have thare Lands taxed and se if the town will chuse one or more Persons to Petition the Grate and General Court for a tax on Sd [Said] Lands
2 To se if the town will Begin to Build a meetinghouse this year and what way they will do it in
3 To se what money the town will Reirs[raise] to Defray town Charges this year
4 To se if the town will Pitch upon a Place to set Sd Meetinghouse on
and the warrants was Directed to the two Constables viz Jonathan Wheeler and Amos Prescut and acordingly the Inhabitants of the Town of Acton meat at the house of Mr John Barker In acton on the thirteenth Day of october 1735 and proseded as foloweth Leut John Heald was Chosen moderator of Sd meeting and
1 It was propounded wither they would have thare Lands taxt. Voted on the afirmitive and the town made Chois Of Leut John Heald to Petition the Grate and General Court for a tax
2 It was propounded wither the town will begin to build a meetinghouse this year it past in the Negative
3 It was propounded what money the town will rais this year voted thay will rais thirty pounds to defray town Charges this year
4 Propounded wither the town will set thir meeting house in the Sentre voted on the afirmitive

November ye 3th 1735
Then the Selectmen met and agreed on a town meeting to bee on ye 10th of the above Sd month and the articles as followeth

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